Shape It Up is one of many good educational games and activities on Kinetic City. It´s  an activity that presents students with "before" and "after" images of a piece of Earth. Students then have to select the force nature and the span of time it took to create the "after" picture. If students choose incorrectly, this game will tell the student and they can choose again.


This is a resource for teaching elementary school students about the forces of nature.
Forces od Nature is a film produced by  National Geographic designed to educate students about volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes

When you click on the image a message will pop out (please register or sign in to continue) there´s no need to register, just click on signed in and close the message.
Al hacer click en la imagen te sale una ventana para que te registres, no hace falta, haz click en  y luego cierra la siguiente ventana.


To end up our OLYMPIC PROJECT we thought that this OLYMPIC TORCH would be a great idea. All of the children wanted to get involved, so part of the torch (the flames) were done by the little hands of the three classes of our four years old in pre-school. An the other half was done by the three classes of primary 5. 

Apart from colouring we wanted to motivate the children so we thought that we could learn the Olympic and Paralympic VALUES to show them the importance of effort in these games, and why not some adjectives that will help them in future explain themselves better.

Hemos terminado este bonito proyecto de las olimpiadas con una ANTORCHA OLÍMPICA, han participado en este proceso los alumnos de cuatro años y los de quinto de primaria. El alumnado de cuatro años ha puesto sus manitas para hacer las llamas de la antorcha, y con los quintos hemos querido sacarle partido a esta antorcha y hemos aprendido los valores olímpicos y paralímpicos. A todos nos ha quedado claro que la rutina, el esfuerzo y la determinación muchas veces se traduce en éxito.