Last week pupils of year 3 brought fruit to class to make a delicious Fruit Salad. To begin the class we sang "The Wiggles" to remember the steps of making one, and then we cut up all the fruit. Once this was done, and everyone had fruit on their plate in groups of four they went around the class asking for fruit they didn´t have:
Would you like some apples/bananas/oranges/melon/grapes...?
Other groups answered: Yes, please. I´d like or we´d like some...
Or: No, thanks.
Another stucture we practiced was: Can I have some pears, please?


To make the most of this unit we brought Fruit and vegetables to class so that children could manipulate it in order to learn the words and some structures.

 They were asked : would you like some peas? If they said Yes, please. They also had to say: I´d like some peas.
Or they could answer: No, thanks.

 Hemos traído frutas y verduras a clase para que los alumnos y alumnas de tercero las manipulen y aprendan sus nombres y algunas estrucuras.

Se les preguntó: Would you like some peas?
Podían dar dos respuestas: Yes, please. I´d like some peas o No, thanks.


This is the dialogue of Unit 6, children love learning dialogues this way,It´s easier for them because they take part in the process helping to draw or suggesting what we can say. Furthermore they focus on pronunciation, because they don´t read words.

Este es el diálogo de la Unidad 6. Para los niños/as es más fácil estudiar los diálogos de esta forma, puesto que intervienen en el proceso, ya sea dibujando o elegiendo algunas frases del diálogo. Al no haber palabras, no leen, por lo que focalizan su atención en lo que se les dice, es decir  en la pronunciación.