This tutorial explains how to make a thanksgiving indian hat.
Este vídeo te enseña como hacer un sombrero indio.
This is a tutorial that shows you how to make a pilgrim hat.
If you have more time you could try to make this hat.
Click on both pictures and print the templates.
Haz clic en las imágenes de arriba e imprime las plantillas que te ayudarán a hacer el sombrero de Acción de gracias.
Step 1:
Take a sheet of black construction paper and draw two circles for the brim of the hat. The diameter of the inner circle has to be suitable for your head. So draw it accordingly.
Step 2:
Now cut out along the outer circle.
Step 3:
Next would be to cut out the inner circle. We will call the small piece as Piece A and the ring like piece as Piece B. Keep the pieces aside – we will be using them a little later.
Step 4:
Now take a rectangular sheet of black construction/chart paper and roll it like a partial cone. Only that this cone would have an opening at the top. The circumference of the bottom part has to match the inner diameter of Piece B. Use glue to secure the structure.
Step 5:
Take Piece A and cut along the edges.
Step 6:
Fold these strips downward.
Step 7:
Insert this piece at the top of the conical structure we made in Step 4 and glue it.
Step 8:
Take a rectangular piece of yellow construction paper and cut it out like a buckle.
Step 9:
Fold a rectangular sheet of white paper like a strip. Make two-to three folds to get the strip. The width of the strip should be suitable for inserting in the buckle made.
Step 10:
Insert the strip in the buckle.
Step 11:
Glue this strip as shown.
Step 11:
Now attach the brim. The procedure of attaching would be similar to how we closed the opening at the top of the hat. You can alternatively apply white adhesive to the brim and attach it too.
You have a pilgrim hat for thanksgiving.
We need the paper bonnets to play out scenes from the first Thanksgiving. You can do the cutting, the gluing and tying. It´s easy!
This is a bonnet template and you can use it as a guide on a piece of heavy-stock paper.
Click on this image and print the template.
Use hole punch to make a hole on each side, 1/2 inch beneath fold line and 1/2 inch from edge. Mark spots 5 1/2 inches from each bottom edge, then make a 3-inch vertical cut line from each point.
Fold across dotted line to make cuff; thread ribbon through each hole. Fold bottom corners inward to create back of bonnet, above, and secure with glue dots; fold down back flap and secure with glue dots.
Sigue los pasos para hacer un sombrero de peregrina, es muy sencillo. Haz clic en la primera imagen e imprime la plantilla.
To learn more about Thanksgiving here's a game you will enjoy. Have fun!
Para seguir aprendiendo cosas de Thanksgiving juega con el Turkey.
Remember, remember the fifth of November. Gunpowder, treason, and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot.
Click on the fireworks and read the interesting story that every year people from britain celebrate.
Haz clic en la imagen y viaja por la historia hasta el 5 de noviembre.
YEAR 5 THE SMARTEST GIANT IN TOWN We are beginning to learn how to work in groups in order to do Problem Based Learning projects. This project is about a book called "The Smartest Giant in Town".
In one of the activities they had to order the story so that it would make sense.
They also had to investigate wich words of the story couldn´t understand and write them in a tie to explain later to the rest of the class.
Another activity was to write the name of some clothes.
Each group had a chance to do all the activities of this project, including drawing and colouring the giant in the poster. What a wonderful job they have done!
Estamos aprendiendo como trabajar en equipo con PBL (Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas). Hemos trabajado un cuento llamado "The Smartest Giant in town" para conseguir este magnífico poster el alumnado ha tenido que investigar vocabulario desconocido, aprenderse la canción del cuento, familiarizarse con las prendas de vestir que utiliza el gigante, ordenar la estructura del cuento, responder a unas preguntas, etc... y finalmente el resultado ha sido maravilloso.
In class we have watched the story of this giant who is very kind and helps other animals by giving some of his clothes. Click on the picture and see part of the story.
Esta semana hemos visto el cuento "The smartest giant in town" .
Children made a lovely poster of some of the school uniforms around the world. It looks great, doesn´t it?
¡Qué bien les ha quedado el mural de los uniformes en algunos países! ¡Enhorabuena!
You have to dress Teddy and choose his clothes.
Este juego lo han buscando los niños de quinto de primaria para repasar el contenido de ropa.
This is a song about the days of the week, where children need to make up a sentence to go with the rythm of the song.
Esta es una canción de los días de la semana que los alumnos de quinto han aprendido. También tuvieron que inventar frases que pegaban con el ritmo de la canción.
Year 5Classroom Language
The first and second week in class we learnt about Classroom Language. Can I borrow some scissors, please? I don't understand. Can you repeat please? May I go to the toilet, please?
las primeras semanas de clase aprendimos como hay que pedir las cosas en inglés.
¿Me dejas unas tijeras, por favor?
No lo entiendo¿ me lo puedes repetir?
Click on the image and view an interactive book and learn how to describe someone´s hair, face, height and figure.
Welcome back to all new readers of this English blog, to children in all three classes of Year 5, to parents and to everyone that just wants to have a look!
Repasamos INGLÉS segundo y tercer ciclo de primaria
Nuestro colegio pone a su disposición el blog de ingléswww.agustinosenglishtips.blogspot.compara que el alumnado repase los contenidos dados durante el curso. Las actividades que ofrece el blog y los enlaces a otras páginas han sido cuidadosamente seleccionadas por el profesorado.
Para repasar de todo
Juegos de gramática, de verbos, de vocabulario, canciones, listenings, vídeos, diccionario, flascards... las instrucciones y explora islas misteriosas. Completa las misiones, resuelve los acertijos y lee libros digitales y comics. Hay APP para ipad y cuida un monstruito, resuelve los puzzles. Los niños/as pueden aprender vocabulario y practicar la lectura mientras juegan.
All year five have done some video conferences with children of the Unitated States. They were very nervous, but they did a really great job. WELL DONE!!!
Todo quinto ha disfrutado de video conferencias con alumnado de los Estados Unidos. Estaban muy nerviosos pero estuvieron geniales. ¡ENHORABUENA!
Children have been working on animals and they´ve done a great job. Here are some pictures of the process.
Los alumnos de tercero han estado trabajando los animales en inglés.
Some weeks ago we started a reading project, some of us brought interesting english books and comics to read in class, but only pupils who finished activities that we did in class could pick up a book and read.
From here we request pupils of year 5 to bring/lend english books to complete our english corner.
Entre todos estamos creando un pequeña biblioteca de inglés para ello hemos traído algunos de nosotros libros, comics hasta puzzles en inglés para leer una vez que hayamos terminado las actividades realizadas en clase como premio por terminarlas a tiempo.
Por lo que hacemos un llamamiento a los alumnos/as de quinto de primaria para que traigan material de inglés que se les devolverá al finalizar el curso.
Last week pupils of year 3 brought fruit to class to make a delicious Fruit Salad. To begin the class we sang "The Wiggles" to remember the steps of making one, and then we cut up all the fruit. Once this was done, and everyone had fruit on their plate in groups of four they went around the class asking for fruit they didn´t have:
Would you like some apples/bananas/oranges/melon/grapes...?
Other groups answered: Yes, please. I´d like or we´d like some...
Or: No, thanks.
Another stucture we practiced was: Can I have some pears, please?
To make the most of this unit we brought Fruit and vegetables to class so that children could manipulate it in order to learn the words and some structures.
They were asked : would you like some peas? If they said Yes, please. They also had to say: I´d like some peas.
Or they could answer: No, thanks.
Hemos traído frutas y verduras a clase para que los alumnos y alumnas de tercero las manipulen y aprendan sus nombres y algunas estrucuras.
Se les preguntó: Would you like some peas?
Podían dar dos respuestas: Yes, please. I´d like some peas o No, thanks.
This is the dialogue of Unit 6, children love learning dialogues this way,It´s easier for them because they take part in the process helping to draw or suggesting what we can say. Furthermore they focus on pronunciation, because they don´t read words.
Este es el diálogo de la Unidad 6. Para los niños/as es más fácil estudiar los diálogos de esta forma, puesto que intervienen en el proceso, ya sea dibujando o elegiendo algunas frases del diálogo. Al no haber palabras, no leen, por lo que focalizan su atención en lo que se les dice, es decir en la pronunciación.
This is the book Year 5 have been reading to understand what the earth is and how earthquakes and Tsunamis are caused.
It´s a magic skeleton book you have to pull the tabs to discover the powers of nature!
Este es el libro que los quintos han leído para entender que son los terremotos y los tsunamis que salen en la historieta de la unidad. ¡Es un libro mágico!
You have been asking me for the song all week, so here it is. Sing along and enjoy!
Aquí está la canción que tanto me habéis pedido que cuelgue en el blog.
As promised here you have the video of this lovely song. I hope you enjoy it.
Como os prometí aquí tenéis una de vuestras canciones preferidas. Espero que la difrutéis.
This is the dialogue of unit 5.
Así aprenden los niños de quinto los diálogos antes de escribirlos.
To practice the new vocabulary (places in town) and the frequency adverbs (always, sometimes, never) here there´s a great activity!
Click on the image.
Aquí tenéis unas actividades para practicar la nueva unidad.
Here there´s a link to a pirates game to practice DAILY ROUTINES and the TIME
Repasa la hora y rutinas diarias con este juego de piratas; pincha en la imagen, dale a START y que comienze el juego... ¡Si contestas a todas las preguntas podrás ganar!
If you have time this Easter Holiday here there´s an idea for your children. You can decorate Easter Eggs with spots, lines, zig-zags and if you are an expert you could even try with flowers...
Have fun!
Si hace mal tiempo esta Semana Santa, aquí tenéis una idea sobre lo que podéis hacer con vuestros hijos, decorar huevos de pascua. Se puede hacer con las manos, es más sencillo. ¡El pincel es para pequeños expertos!